Tag Archives: tomorrow


Don’t repent the mistakes you’ve made.For how would we have been able to learn and be a better person today?

The mistakes we have done,

The heights we have fallen from,

These are what have made us what we are-and what we will be.

How would we have known the importance of happiness had we not known what sadness is?

How would we have celebrated every little success had we not known what failure is?

How would we have loved life so dearly had we not known that death is sure?

Don’t regret whatever you have done,if nothing there will be at least a lesson you will learn from it.Don’t look back to a bad past and let it affect your today,instead pave way for a better tomorrow.

YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE with all your imperfections,your mistakes,your choices,your thoughts,your flaws and your inner self.

What would have been the YOU without the choices you have made-be it good or bad?

How would you have been without the feeling of cherishing  every little achievement of yours?

Life’s all about you and the people and things that surround you.Accept them,Keep living a imperfectly content life that’s solely YOURS.

Happy Living.

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